Watch the top male and female surfers show off their best skills on the waves at Snapper Rocks, Coolangatta - the world-famous point break surf spot! The world’s best surfers will be gathering here on the Gold Coast for the opening of the World Surf League (WSL) World Championship Tour: the Quiksilver Pro, and the Roxy Pro! These two events are highly admired competitions and will surely bring in the crowd.
It’s going to be live and happening this year in March, from the 14th to the 25th. Come and watch some of the most progressive surfing in the world here on the Southern Gold Coast.
Near Snapper Rocks, Coolangatta our six luxury resort complexes offer spacious, modern accommodation with top facilities, all in great locations next to the best beaches on the Southern Gold Coast.
Located in Burleigh, our Burleigh Surf, Swell Resort, and 2nd Avenue beach resorts are located near the picturesque Burleigh Beach, and offer smart and spacious Burleigh Heads beachfront accommodation ideal for couples, travelling friends, and large families. Enjoy heated swimming pools, full-sized tennis courts, spa and sauna facilities, games room entertainment, and much more to make your stay exciting and relaxing.
At Palm Beach, we have three stunning resorts within walking distance of the soft, golden sand and gentle waters. Our Princess Palm and Royal Palm resorts sit coolly on Palm Beach, and offers great views over the ocean from the apartment balconies.
At Coast Breakz, our resorts have something for everyone. Choose from our luxury Southern Gold Coast accommodation resorts at http://coastbreakz.etourism.net.au
Image Source : World Surf League